Qualify Clients Faster Sell Smarter.

The tool enables agents to double or even triple their client reach and sales.

Hours saved / day
0 +
Leads Qualified
0 k+
0 +

What is Insurance Qualifier?

The insurance qualifier is designed to efficiently identify potential clients and optimize the sales process. By asking five targeted questions, it helps determine the most suitable insurance plan for each individual, including options like the best give-back plan and the most cost-effective plan. This tool significantly reduces the time an agent spends on each sale, cutting it down from the usual 30 to 60 minutes to just 5 to 10 minutes to complete the sign-up. It ensures human oversight for accuracy and compliance with HIPAA regulations, providing both efficiency and security. Integration is fast and simple, allowing you to quickly implement it on your website once purchased. The form will be pre-populated with all the necessary details, ensuring a seamless setup.

See Insurance Qualifier in Action.

See how our AI Voice Agent Saves time

Efficiency During Enrollment Periods

The insurance qualifier is crucial during the Annual and Open Enrollment Periods (AP and OEP). Efficiency is key to maximizing productivity and successful enrollments.

Time-Saving Sales Process

Reduces the typical 30-minute to one-hour sales process to just 5 to 10 minutes. Allows insurance agents to contact more clients in less time.

Increased Client Reach and Sales

The tool enables agents to double or even triple their client reach and sales. Selling is largely automated, freeing up agents’ time.

Maximize Productivity

Ensures a higher volume of successful enrollments during busy periods. Focuses on maximizing productivity and sales efficiency.

Our Insurance Qualifier is available on:

Phone Text/SMS

$ 25 Monthly
  • Qualify leads through phone or text.


$ 5 Monthly
  • Embed the chat bot on your website to qualify leads faster.

What more can it do?

Efficiency During Enrollment Periods

 The insurance qualifier is especially vital during the Annual and Open Enrollment Periods (AP and OEP), where efficiency is key. By reducing the typical 30-minute to one-hour sales process to just 5 to 10 minutes, our tool allows insurance agents to focus on contacting more clients and significantly increasing their sales. This streamlined process means that the selling is largely done for you, freeing up your time to double or even triple your client reach and sales. This not only maximizes productivity but also ensures a higher volume of successful enrollments, making the most of the busy enrollment periods.

Qualify Potential Leads

The insurance qualifier is designed to efficiently qualify potential clients and streamline the sales process. It asks five targeted questions to determine the best insurance plan for the individual, including options like the best give-back plan and the most cost-effective decent plan. This tool significantly reduces the time an insurance agent spends on each sale, from the typical 30 minutes to an hour down to just 5 to 10 minutes for finalizing the sign-up. It ensures human involvement for accuracy and compliance with HIPAA regulations, making the process both efficient and secure. Integration is easy and quick. We streamline the process so that once you purchase the product, it will be up on your website. A form with all the necessary information will be ready to go, ensuring a smooth setup.

The MediSai Advantage

Increased Efficiency

Do more with less. Our AI service allows your office to operate more efficiently, even with fewer staff.

Cost Savings

Spend significantly less while enjoying rising customer satisfaction and retention rates.

Enhanced Organization

Say goodbye to chaos. With our service, your office will be more organized, allowing your staff to focus on what truly matters—caring for your customers.

Get Started

Please fill out the form below, and one of our representatives will contact you to discuss how MediSai can benefit your practice.

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